Common Types of Metal Powders and their Uses
When it comes to parts and products, industries such as automotive, electronics, and material processing turn to those that are made from metal powders. Metal powders, after all, can effectively generate parts and products that boast simple to complicated form factors. The use of metal powders in creating these things can make the overall production […]
A Review on Sintered Bushings and How They Work
A lot of systems take advantage of bushings’ capabilities. Bushings are mechanical elements that allow two system parts to move without getting affected by vibration. They basically minimise the friction between rotating shafts and stationary support members and prevent system damages. Bushings are mostly shaped in cylindrical form, boasting some flexible materials inside a metallic […]
All the Primary Benefits and Drawbacks of the Powder Metallurgy Process
Powder metallurgy is a manufacturing process that utilises powdered metal in creating the needed products by other industries. This specific process can be done in four basic steps. The first step involves the production of powdered metals. Metal materials can be converted into powder through atomisation, grinding, chemical reaction, or electrolysis process. Once the powdered […]
Key Reasons Why Sintering is Preferred when Manufacturing High-Quality Bearings
Tons of light- to heavy-duty equipment pieces maximise bearings due to their intended purpose. Bearings are generally maximised to reduce direct contact between two surfaces or elements, preventing excessive friction and heat generation. They can likewise minimise the wear and tear of components and parts subject to constant relative motion. When it comes to producing […]
PM Technology vs. Traditional Forging Applications
When it comes to the creation of metal parts, industries have the option to opt for many processes. Some may want to go for the traditional processes, while others may want to embrace the modern ones. One traditional process that industries seem to rely on is forging. Forging is a type of manufacturing process that […]
Improve the Longevity of Fasteners through Sintered Washers
Some systems have to be assembled properly to allow them to carry out their operations without any issues. As part of their assembly, they would often need washers to support the type of operations that they have to conduct and carry out. Washers are system components that can keep the fasteners from loosening. These components […]
A Brief Overview of Metal Powder and Its Vital Characteristics
There are a lot of processes that can be used to create durable and long-lasting parts and products. Aside from various processes, a wide array of materials is also available to generate these things. But one process that has been gaining popularity for the past few years is known as the powder metallurgy process. This […]
An Overview of Cylindrical Roller Bearings and Their Intended Applications
Machines are typically comprised of elements that allow them to work optimally. One of the elements that can be found in a lot of machines is bearing. A bearing is a hardware element that can restrict the relative motion of a machine to solely its desired motion. It is likewise designed to support the rotating […]
A Comparison between Sintered Metal Components and Other Types of Components
Many equipment pieces, devices, and other products today are often comprised of different metal components. Subsequently, these metal components are made from various processes, which allow them to boast different characteristics and qualities. Some of these metal components can be made from the powder metallurgy process. Others, alternatively, can be processed out of forging or […]
Powder Metallurgy: Is it Really Sustainable?
A wide array of processes and techniques are available today in processing different materials. But when it comes to metal powders, the powder metallurgy process is known to be the dominant way of turning these powders into something very useful. Powder metallurgy covers a wide range of processes that generate parts and components out of […]